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Therapy for Adults

Neuro Psych Health offers integrative and evidence-based therapy for adults. Aqeela Mahomed's approach to therapy is eclectic and tailored to suit your unique individual needs and goals - working with you to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Is therapy right for me?

Therapy, also known as psychotherapy, can benefit adults facing challenges in any area of their lives.

Mental health problems that therapy commonly addresses are:

  • Mental health conditions include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Addictions to alcohol, illicit drugs, gambling and sex.
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

However, mental health disorders are not a prerequisite to accessing therapy. Anyone facing distress at work or in their personal life can also benefit from therapy. The most common reasons people visit a therapist are:

  • Help with conflict resolution, whether with a partner, friends or in work situations.
  • Navigating significant life changes such as divorce, moving cities, losing a loved one and becoming a parent or caregiver.
  • Reaching acceptance with a chronic or terminal health problem such as cancer, Parkinson's, or HIV.
  • Developing healthier reactions and emotional regulation, for example, addressing anger problems and passive-aggressive behaviour.
  • Coping with the stress of a traumatic event such as an accident or being a victim of crime or violence.
  • Wanting to learn more about yourself, gain insight into your coping mechanisms, and become aware of motivations behind certain unhealthy behaviours.

What approaches are used in therapy?

Whether you have a mental health condition, want to learn more about yourself and your unconscious patterns, or need guidance in a particular area of your life, therapy can help you overcome any obstacles you face in a compassionate and non-judgemental environment. In addition, it will equip you with new coping skills and healthier thought patterns and enhance the quality of your relationships.

There are several types of therapeutic approaches that Aqeela may use independently or in combination to assist you:

  • Psychodynamic (insight-oriented) psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Mindfulness
  • Brain Work Recursive Therapy (BWRT)
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Integrative therapy

Neuro Psych Health's integrative approach to care considers your circumstances and goals to provide you with an individualised treatment plan designed to meet your needs.

In cases of an emergency

If you cannot reach Aqeela and feel that you cannot wait for her to return your call, please get in touch with your general physician (GP) or the nearest casualty and ask for the psychologist or psychiatrist on call.

Alternatively, you can contact:

  • South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG): 011 234 4837
  • Akeso Psychiatric response unit (24 hours): 0861 435787
  • Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567567

If you have a strong impulse or an active plan to take your own life, or require immediate medical attention, please go to the police station and your nearest hospital.