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Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychologists identify and treat conditions related to the brain and nervous system. Illness or injury to the brain or nervous system affects our thoughts, cognitive processing, emotional functioning and behaviour.

Neuropsychological assessments provide essential information about the brain and behaviour of people with neurocognitive disorders. These assessments can also help with the diagnostic process and designing optimal treatment plans tailored to manage neuropsychological conditions for people of all ages.

What is a neuropsychological assessment?

Neuropsychological assessments help identify neurological disorders and offer treatment for known or suspected neurological or cognitive disorders in people of all ages.

Neuropsychological assessments are not always used for diagnosis - they can also be helpful in confirming whether changes in cognitive decline are typical for your age group and monitor people with existing conditions by tracking if their condition is improving or stable.

People often seek the help of a neuropsychologist when they experience notable changes in their thinking, mood, and ability to concentrate or remember, as well as changes in their bodily functions. Difficulties in these areas can be highly distressing to people experiencing them, as they can interfere with their ability to function or complete day-to-day activities.

The neuropsychological assessment can help distinguish whether symptoms are related to a brain injury, mental health conditions such as depression, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and/or neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, Aspergers and ADHD.

What are the signs that you need a neuropsychological assessment?

If you notice changes in your memory, speech, decision-making abilities and attention - making it difficult for you to function and cope in everyday life - you may need to see a neuropsychologist.

Changes in thinking, such as memory, attention, planning and problem-solving, are typically experienced after a stroke, brain trauma or injury and in types of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease. A neuropsychological assessment can help.

The goals of neuropsychological assessments

By examining the relationship between brain functioning and a person's behaviour, neuropsychologists can effectively diagnose impairments and understand the causes of these impairments to make informed treatment decisions.

Through neuropsychological assessments, Aqeela can:

  • Assess for brain impairments and determine how severe impairments are
  • Determine if brain damage is causing impairments to memory or cognitive functioning
  • Check if a person has recovered from brain damage
  • Understand an individual's strengths and weaknesses for intervention
  • Plan effective treatment strategies
  • Determine if treatment is working

What to expect during your neuropsychological assessment

At Neuro Psych Health, our neuropsychological assessment process begins with standard initial forms that everyone completes via our online portal. These forms are designed to gather as much information about your life and some aspects of your family. Additional surveys or questionnaires may be included depending on your specific situation and the symptoms you are experiencing.

The assessment will involve an interview to learn about your medical history and current symptoms and how they affect your life. Then, depending on your symptoms, we may give you different tests - for example, an IQ test, a written test, puzzles or games. These help identify your strengths and weaknesses in areas of concentration, memory, language skills, motor functions and problem-solving.

How to prepare for your first consultation

  1. Please complete your intake forms honestly and in as much detail as possible. It's essential to have detailed information on your medical and family histories, as well as the nature of your symptoms, whether a particular event triggered them, and what thoughts and behaviours concern you.
    Please note: Incomplete forms and/or questionnaires will delay your process and may result in rescheduling.
  2. Please eat a good meal and use the bathroom before your appointment.
  3. Please take your regularly prescribed medications as scheduled. Avoid optional medications that cause drowsiness, such as painkillers and anti-anxiety and allergy medications.
  4. Please wear your hearing aids or glasses if applicable. In addition, we recommend you bring someone who knows you well if you have memory or communication difficulties to assist with answering questions.
  5. Please allow extra time for traffic and parking. Your appointment will start promptly at the scheduled time unless there is an emergency or otherwise specified. As far as possible, Aqeela will inform you of any changes accordingly.

Please note: Late arrival may result in rescheduling.

What to expect after your neuropsychological assessment

Once the assessment is complete, your assessment will be interpreted by comparing your score to the scores of healthy individuals of similar demographics (age, educational background and sex) while considering your circumstances to determine dysfunction in cognitive functioning.

Upon completing your assessment, Aqeela will write a report on the finding, including your diagnosis and treatment options. MRI or CT scans are sometimes needed to rule out tumours or diseases. In this case, Aqeela will refer you to the appropriate facilities for these scans.

Lastly, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to discuss your report and possible treatment options.