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Couples Therapy

No relationship is perfect, but if you and your partner struggle to communicate lovingly and compassionately, have difficulties connecting, lack intimacy, or struggle to navigate significant life changes together, you may benefit from couples therapy.

Neuro Psych Health provides a supportive space where couples can have an open dialogue and mediated discussion about any obstacles they face.

When to consider couples therapy

Studies have shown that one of the top reasons for divorce or separation is lack of communication, accounting for up to 70% of all relationship breakdowns.

Other reasons may include incompatibility, infidelity, lack of intimacy, complacency and addictions. In addition, of course, significant life changes such as the death of a close loved one, losing a job, or moving countries can also significantly impact the relationship.

What are the benefits of couples therapy?

Couples therapy can help you recognise the source of the breakdown and empower you as a couple to rebuild trust, intimacy and skills to overcome the barriers in your relationship.

In addition, it can benefit you and your partner in the following ways:

  • Helps couples understand their relationship dynamics, communication styles and conflict patterns. This deeper understanding is an essential aspect of making positive changes in the relationship.
  • Therapy can create a safe space where you can feel vulnerable, express your needs openly and be honest with each other.
  • Therapy can help the couple gain different perspectives and see things from each other's point of view. So often, couples in conflict are so focused on winning the argument or getting their point across that they entirely negate the other person's perspective.
  • Having a safe space to communicate needs and focusing on each other's wants can deepen the intimacy and connection in the relationship.

Couples therapy can equip you with lifelong skills that will benefit you in all your relationships - with family, friends and colleagues. The ability to communicate in a healthy way, resolve conflict and deal with difficult emotions is invaluable to maintaining positive, healthy relationships.